Monthly Archives: August 2018

Stranger Things for Android


The mobile game based on the TV show, it’s Stranger Things for Android! With far more more murder, punching, and swearing bears than the show! This is our entire playthrough contained in one video (including the doodle part), in an experiment to see if this format works better than our normal “splitting a stream into 20 minute segments” procedure. Let us know which you prefer!



The Colonel’s Bequest


The Sister joins us for Sierra’s murder mystery classic! An old rich guy tells all his heirs that they will split his inheritance with all remaining *living* heirs. Not surprisingly, they started getting killed off almost immediately.

See the doodles!


Part 1: A 20’s college student gets invited to the family reunion of her college roomie at a creepy plantation…with sexy results! Kinda!

Part 2: Laura is the worst houseguest ever and spies on everyone, like the “dapper-looking” Clarence, the dinosaur Gertie, and Colonel Sanders’ doppleganger.

Part 3 has the greatest mystery of the entire game: who is Sarah Crouton? Is she still alive? Where is she now? Is she the Colonel’s wife?!? Also, someone dies or whatever.

Part 4: Dr. Wilbur kicks the bucket. Was someone after his secret recipe of 11 herbs and spices?!?

Part 5: More deaths! And more people slapping Rudy around!

Part 6: Now that several people have died, I guess it’s time to get ready for a…hot date with Grand Moff Tarkin’s doppleganger?

Part 7: Even more deaths, in increasingly improbable body positions! Also, even more shockingly, we find a new screen!

Part 8: Laura Bow actually acts like an adventure game protagonist for five minutes and discovers a treasure left behind by Sir Graham from King’s Quest I.

Part 9: We find out the true killer was…a game-breaking bug that forced us to wander aimlessly for half an hour and then replay half the game! SIIEEEEEERRRAAAAA!!!! (Fortunately for you, we cut most of that out in editing.) Also, all of the Colonel’s heirs are dead or in jail, so I guess the horse, dog, and cook get everything?

Doodle video:

Tumble Bugs for the Atari 800


Tumble Bugs, aka Micro Pac-man! Gitcha Gotcha!
