Category Archives: Chrono Trigger

Chrono Trigger Page 8


Chrono Trigger: Great RPG? Or the greatest RPG?

See the doodles!

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Part 60: More than two years later, we finally return to Chrono Trigger to explore New Game Plus and some extra stuff we didn’t cover the first time. But first, Crono and Marle have the worst first date ever.

Part 61: Featuring “The Dream Project” ending, we get to meet a bunch of programmers who seem really tired and maybe slightly homophobic?

Part 62, featuring the following endings:

  • The Successor of Guardia: Marle finds out she’s descended from the Doodler’s hand puppet Weirdo the Frog.
  • Good Night: A frog and a Nu engage in wacky hijinx.
  • The Legendary Hero: An eight-year-old has to fight the Dark Lord of evil because our party can’t be bothered…or does he?
  • The Unknown Past: Crono comes out of the closet, the king actually sends an army instead of some teenagers and an amphibian to take out the Dark Lord of Evil, and everyone forgets about Robo.
  • People of the Times: Sprite art! A whoooole lotta it!

Part 63, featuring the following endings:

  • The Oath: Crono and contemporaries decide to get stoned at Lucca’s instead of saving the world, so Frog has to go do it solo. How does his first date with Magus go?
  • Dino Age: Everyone is a dinosaur for some reason.
  • What the Prophet Seeks: Everyone gets sidetracked goofing off at the Millennial Fair, so Magus has to go take care of Lavos alone. (Side note: why are so many of these endings “Side character has to actually win the game because Crono can’t be bothered?”)

Part 64, featuring the following endings:

  • Memory Lane: Marle and Lucca rate the super hunky dudes in the game, and we find out just *why* Crono never speaks.
  • Reunion: After Crono dies, everyone just decides to finish the game without him. Only Marle actually cares that he’s dead. Based on some of these previous endings, it seems that not having Crono actually made the party *more* proactive anyway. Also, human Glenn shows up and is suuuuper cute!

Part 65, featuring the following endings:

    • The Apocalypse: Lavos kills everyone. The future refuses to change.
  • Beyond Time (Float Away): The same as the normal ending from our first playthrough, except we blew up the Time Machine “Eff!” Crono and Marle float away on balloons until either they freeze to death or the balloons pop and they fall to their doom. Romantic?

Doodle video:

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Chrono Trigger Page 7


Chrono Trigger: Great RPG? Or the greatest RPG?

See the doodles!

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Part 50: Our final stream begins with special guest star Potatedude aka Rockman joining us to see a robot fight his girlfriend and gay mother.

Part 51: We ignore the domestic abuse problem in the town of Choras in order to fix up a mansion so Frog can get some closure from his mentor buried under the rug.

Part 52: We finish up our massive medieval construction project and with it the last of the endgame sidequests. Time to take on the rotting pizza slice known as the Black Omen!

Part 53: Heading deeper into the Black Omen, we find goons. Hired Goons. Since most of this video is just fighting (and cool graphics), we pass the time discussing X-Men, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Donald Trump, New Game Plus, SomethingAwful, Secret of Mana, ice cream, and more! The Player is a harsh mistress.

You can mess with Texas if you want to. I’m not your dad.

Part 54: Gato’s evil clones make an appearance, and the never-ending ambiguously-gendered statue argument rages on!

Part 55: We finally reach the end of the Black Omen as Magus continues to suck, and Queen Zeal tires of us talking about Final Fantasy and tries to kill us. It’s LaVOSa, not LavoSA!

Part 56: Lady Gaga gives the party halitosis. Then we tackle the Lavos Boss Carriage Ride, which exists solely for padding. Vote Magus! He’ll make Guardia great again! He’ll build a wall and make Porre pay for it!

Part 57: The party uses Gaspar’s chamber pot to engage in The Final Battle! Followed by the Final Final Battle! And we speculate on the eternal debate: is Lavos truly evil, or simply a beast who’s just acting according to instinct?

Part 58: The Epilogue of Chrono Trigger! Or, as the Doodler would say: The EEEpilogue!

Link to blog post

Part 59: Turns out we had a *lot* more to say about Chrono Trigger (and JRPGs), so we split it off into this bonus podcast/episode.

Doodle video:

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Chrono Trigger Page 6


Chrono Trigger: Great RPG? Or the greatest RPG?

See the doodles!

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Part 43, featuring The Player’s niece: Time-Traveling 12-Year-Old Lucca! Also, Magus kills off a trio of rock legends!

Part 44: Krang’s robot suit has seen better days. Also, ramen hatred.

Part 45: After Lucca goes back in time to try to save her mother’s legs, The Player goes back in time because he screwed up the sequence!

Part 46: Giving jerky to the mayor somehow inadvertently kills everyone in the sequel (spoilers?). But at least Lucca gets a better gun.

Is the statue a man or a woman? Vote now!

Part 47: Pouring soda pop on some guy’s grave leads to underground dinosaurs. It doesn’t make much more sense in context.

Part 48, featuring a trial that really makes no sense. Law and Order this ain’t. At least a princess jumps through a stained-glass window.

Part 49: Where do robots come from? You’ll probably have to wait a few months to find out. Or go play the game yourself or something.

Doodle video:

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Chrono Trigger Page 5


Chrono Trigger: Great RPG? Or the greatest RPG?

See the doodles!

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Part 36: While Crono braves the threats in the Ocean Palace, the Player braves an even greater threat: Weirdo the hand puppet frog!

Part 37: More Ocean Palace madness as we fight genies and…English dog spirits or something…that look exactly the same. Also, GolemTwins!

Part 38: Probably the best part of the game. Two nerds are talking over it.

Part 39: Shortly after the best part of the game, we get kidnapped by the comic relief villain. That’s just great.

Part 40: We get a flying conversion done to our time machine in 2015 by Goldie Wilson III. Also, a surprise party member joins! Thankfully, it’s not Weirdo the hand puppet!

Part 41: Let’s go visit Crono’s Mom! That won’t be awkward!

Part 42: aka The Part That Makes People Compare Chrono Trigger To Christianity, But With More Robots.

Doodle Video:

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Chrono Trigger Page 4


Chrono Trigger: Great RPG? Or the greatest RPG?

See the doodles!

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Part 27: Good Nus! We’ve found the magical kingdom of Zeal! Bad Nus! We have to fight some Nus.

Part 28: I really, really, apologize for the voice we gave Princess Schala. It will eventually go away, I promise.

Part 29: Our heroes get kicked out of the Magical Land of Exposition, probably for making fun of it too much. Lavos lavos lavos.

Part 30: Our time machine receives probably the stupidest name ever.

Part 31: This part is mostly sidequests and teenage angst, the two pillars of all JRPG’s.

Part 32: Miscellaneous item collection leads us to discuss the time travel theories that the Internet has come up with to explain how Chrono Trigger ticks. Uh, no pun intended.

Part 33: Parking in the future is terrible. You have to traverse an entire hemisphere just to get back to your spot. Also, whose idea was it to cram the entire earthbound population of 12,000 BC into dirt caves that are literally next door to ravenous killer beasts?

Part 34: Rubble rubble! We’re heading up Mt. Woe!

Part 35: A boss fight against Giga Gaia leads into the first part of a multi-part rant about why Schala is, in fact, a terrible person. At least her voice gets better.

Doodle Video:

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